Three Months of Twins | St. Louis Motherhood Photographer


I'm certain we're still in the honey moon phase with these two sweet things, because we are still smitten with them at three months old.  Ha! I'm only kidding.  Things are wild, and loud and crazy in our house, but it's doable, and we've found our way.  While I was pregnant, I said I think having twins first would be easier, but I think in my case, I was wrong.  The Universe knew what  we needed when we needed it and that meant twins as babies number four and number five instead of first and second.  I had a *rough* go of things when I entered parenthood.  Becoming a mom for the first time was a challenge for me.  I thought having twins was going to be my biggest challenge yet.  And it still might be.  But at this juncture, I stand by my statement that going from 0 to 1 baby was exponentially harder than any other additional baby/babies thereafter -- yes, even twins being babies number four and number five.  I'll say that again, going from zero to one was harder for me than going from three kids to five.


Our twins are three months old today and we've found our current groove with life.  We know the difference in their cries and coos without seeing them (for the most part, although, admittedly, our older kids are way better at distinguishing them apart by their sounds).  They're super easy to tell apart since they look nothing alike although people who aren't around them every day still mix them up occasionally.  Emma (our two year old) has been able to tell them apart since day one and literally never gets it wrong.  She could see the back of a head from across the house and know exactly who I'm holding.  Alli continues to favor my Mom's side of the family and Max favors Tony's Dad's side of the family.


Alli does a lot of happy squeaking and kicking.  Max is usually cool as a cucumber and will happily lay on the floor on a mat smiling and playing for an impressive amount of time if we let him.  Both of them have rolled from their belly to their backs though not with any consistency yet.  Max has been trying very hard to master rolling from his back to his belly.  Alli isn't super fond of tummy time while Max will tolerate it longer.  When I tandem feed them (which is almost always), Max is almost always in the football hold to nurse and Alli goes cross cradle.  I switch sides every morning and that baby stays on that side for the entirety of that day (unless I randomly get mom brain and forget).  Alli is a bit more snuggly than Max.  Max does a lot of stiff body and head bobbing, but he may be slightly ahead of her on head control.


Happy three months of life to Alli and Max!